Wednesday, July 31, 2013

The Remarkable Supplement Cellfood
The Remarkable Supplement Cellfood
Oxygen Therapy With Cellfood

In helping a patient to recover from any form of

weakness,treatment using

oxygen has become very

common and

sometimes needed. This is a

situation in which oxygen is

applied to the body.

can also be processes that

the human physique’s capacity to

utilyse oxygen
or instillthe taking in of oxygen. So many of these treatments are

unaffordableand and
need to be given by a


Medical person:

Oxygen in a Bottle_ very often given as an

breathing treatment for
severe bronchial and
respiratory situations

Ozone Therapy— normally is given

rectally or intra¬venously, at first
utilized to

oxygenation of bloodcirculation,proper


immunity, and to get rid of

bacteria, viruses and fungi;

ozone oxygen is highly

dangerous and can be

highy toxic if it is

not given in a

proper manner
Hydrogen Peroxide (H202) Remedy-

Hydrogen peroxide is produced in

the bloodstream to
help to control
viruses, yeast, fungi, and

other invading enemies The

taking inof H2O2

is controversial because it can initiate a very bad

outcome in the digestive

system over too much
results in an

pH, and may cause to develop
unwantedfree radicals,- this
remedy should be
done only under the

guidance of

qualified health care

Proper Breathing

Exercises-- considered to
enhance lung

room, which

gives even more

oxygen to theblood.many individuals are poor breathers and so programmessuch as yoga

and other classes on proper breathing techniquescan

be very beneficial

Hyperbaric Oxygen Treatment—


taking in oxygenin a

pressurized room; this


tissues and cells with

oxygen, and was was at first

produced to heal
divers and aviators

for decompression illnesses and air

Many remedies
and products tend tosaturatethe
body with oxy¬gen, very often causingdangerous oxygen
free radicals, and can result in oxidative damageto biologic systems, according to

Professors Ghatak
and Chandra (Complementary Medicine, P. 13,
Vol. 4, No. 1, 1998).

Cellfood Dietary Supplement—

Making Cellfood a part of your daily intakeis the most inexpensive
and effective form of supplying the body with its
daily oxygen. It is

guaranteed not to produce any free radicals actually it makes them convert to more
reliable oxygen

The Remarkable Supplement Cellfood

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